Something To Think About… Fourth Sunday of Easter (Year B) 4-25-21


Acts 4:8-12 – Filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter proclaimed the healing of a cripple, was due to the name of Jesus Christ, the Nazorean.

PS 118 – The Stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone…

1 John 3:1-2 – We are the children of God. What we shall be will be revealed.

John 10:11-18 – I am the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep freely.


Filled with the Holy Spirit, we are called to be the Good News in thought word and deed as we proclaim the work of healing in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The laying down of the shepherd’s life for his sheep is something to be grasped, as we become increasingly serious about our intent to live Christ’s way, truth, and life among His children.


 Deacon, Werner J. Rose, D. Min.

Liaison, for the Charismatic Renewal

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