Strategic Plan

1 Mission Statement Is it Applicable Revise as Necessary Dw/SR ACTION Requested 5/2/20 TBD
2 Financial Report Accountability Ongoing BV Ongoing 5/2/20 Ongoing Ongoing
3 By-Laws Develop Draft Review/Revise as Necessary Dw/SR 5/19/20 TBD
4 Succession Develop Plan Incorporate  Dw/SR  – TBD
5 Prayer Group Lists Maintain List Current? SR ACTION Requested 5/2/20 5/2/20 C/W
6 Financial Accounting Practices Conformity Establish Acctg Procedure Dw/NB TBD 5/2/20 TBD
7 Treasury Funding Allocation Develop Procedure Incorporate  Dw/NB Develop/Procedure  5/2/20 TBD
8 Diocesan Budg Process Annual Dues Pd By Diocese Dw Last Dues Paid by Bsp 5/2/20 5/2/20 C/W
9 Next Core Meeting  Bi Monthly Meeting Hold Mtgs As Needed Dw TBD 5/23/20 Ongoing
10 Next MTG OF Prayer Groups Meet Semi Annually Update PG Activities SR Quarterly Meeting Extended to Semi Annually (TBS) 2/29/20 9/19/20 Ongoing
11 Next Annual Mtg w/Bsp Annual Meeting Update Bishop SR Schedule w/Bsp. Secty 2/1/21 Ongoing
1 Bsp Ltr to Priests CR Encouragement  Priestly Involvement  Dw Input submitted to Bsp F/Up after Crisis TBD
2 Email System Report  Confirm Integrity SR ACTION Requested 5/2/20 5/2/20 C/W
3 CrMemphis Gmail Address  Good Communications 5/19/20 ACTION Requested 5/2/20 5/2/20 C/W
4  Website Good Communications Update Dw IN PROCESS            Dw-BW-VR 5/2/20 IN PROCESS
5 Facebook Good Communications Establish Dw IN PROCESS          Dw-BW-VR 5/2/20 IN PROCESS
6 Diocesan Web/Mag Communications Good Communications Publish  SR/DC Need Article WTF? Hisp/Anglo 5/2/20 Ongoing
7 Calendar of Events Input to  Publish  SR/Dw Input Ongoing 5/2/20 Ongoing
8 Hispanic Tab Create in crmemphis  Publish  Dw/(VR) ACTION Requested 5/2/20 IN PROCESS
9 Zoom – for Prayer Mtgs Introduction Virtual Prayer Option  SR/DC TBD
1 Festival of Praise Diocesan Gathering Review Core Team TBD
2 Priest – Life in the Spirit Clergy Offering  Review Core Team TBD
3 Other Diocesan Activites Integrate Review Core Team TBD
4 *Coord w/Queen of Peace- Dc. Albonetti Find Retreat Space Obtain Space for Prayer Meetings Dw TBD
5 Periodic Prayer Meeting of Core Group Spiritual Nourishment Establish Date and Time DC TBD
6 Conf Teachings for Core Team? Continuing Ed Continuing Development DC TBD
1 Invite Clergy to PG Meetings PG Leaders Fall Mtg Feedback Requested from PG’s 9/19/20
2 Integrate CR within Parishes CR Apostolate Parish DRE, Sacramental Preparation, RCIA PG Leaders Fall Mtg Feedback Requested from PG’s 9/19/20
3 Awareness of Holy Spirit CR Apostolate Transparancy PG Leaders Fall Mtg Feedback Requested from PG’s 9/19/20
4 Event Announcements Good Communications Publish PG Leaders Fall Mtg Feedback Requested from PG’s Ongoing
5 Life in The Spirit Seminars  Formation for Laity Ongoing Formation PG Leaders Fall Mtg Feedback Requested from PG’s
6 Evangelization Opportunities Seek Integrate PG Leaders Fall Mtg Feedback Requested from PG’s
7 *Bishop’s Suggestion: Hispanic 5 Priests Coord Efficiency Shared Leadership DC ACTION Requested        Met to determine how it will work? (1st mtg 3/12 cancelled)  2/29/20
8 Hispanic FOP Conference Periodic Gathering DC Hispanic Conference – Aug 22 6-10p Resurrection Gym 8/22/20
1 Regional Hispanic Happenings Establish List of Events Publish in DC/Dw List created. Events to be Published IN PROCESS
2 Nashville Conference Attend Sharing  SR July 18? 7/18/20 IN PROCESS
3 Arkansas Conference Attend Sharing  Jul 24-26 7/24-26/20 IN PROCESS
4 Mississippi (Locus Benedictus) Conference Attend Sharing  6/12-13/20 Cnx?
5 New Orleans Conference Attend Sharing  Cnx
6 Missouri (St. Louis) Conference Attend Sharing  10/9-10/20
7 ADL Conference Attend Sharing    Virtual Attendance Apr 20-23 4/20-23/20 C/W
8 NSC Conference Attend Sharing  Nov 6-8/20 11/6-8/2008
9 CHARIS Conference Attend Sharing  SR Share Cardinal’s Report 
10 Communities?  TBD TBD SR TBD
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